Already I have fallen into a pattern, getting up at first light, down to the kitchen for coffee and writing in my notebook. Keeping a journal of everything that comes up during this meditative stay. Yoga is at 6:30 every morning. Working in the garden or some other volunteer project in mid-morning and then lunch and a tiny siesta or heading to the beach. Tuesday and Thursday afternoons we have yoga at 3:15 in the afternoon as well. The yoga deck is the best view in the place. There are dorms and guest rooms beneath and cabinas further off in the jungle of the surrounding property.
Hammocks all around offer a shady spot to read, write or take an afternoon nap. There is no internet, so I will be going through many books this month… already I have finished the ones I brought with me, luckily there is a small but interesting library here.
Wednesday afternoons, I will work in the garden, planting, weeding and harvesting. Every Monday and Friday afternoon we harvest fruits and vegetables, digging up various root vegetables, ginger and picking fruits from trees, ripe bananas, coconuts, starfruit, guanavana and limes. Pineapples come from small bushes on the ground. I didn’t know that till I came here.
Going to the beach every day is also part of life here. My first day here was spent just getting used to the mellow flow, great food and interesting people. The other volunteers are also here for the month, guests come and go. Overall, it is a very nice crowd who all either surf, love yoga or both.